76 Squadron's P-40Ms Part 6 Page 2

by Steve Mackenzie

This is the 6th batch of 76 Sqn RAAF schemes for the P-40M variant which they operated for a long period, during which some airframes were repaired either after incidents or overhaul and repainted several times. The first large batch were received from 2 AD on 13/5/1943 and they flew this type on operations until Mar 1945 by which time they were replaced by P-40Ns, the first of which were received on 17/2/1945.

Originally it was believed their P-40Ms were in the scheme of U.S equivalent colours (DuPont 71-009 Dark Earth, 71-013 Dark Green and 71-021 Sky Type S Grey) similar to the earlier Kittyhawk Mk.Is built for the RAF. However the latest info from Craig Busby (backed up by a comment from Gordon Birkett on Facebook), is that Curtiss painting diagrams show the P-40Ms were painted at the factory Olive Drab over Neutral Grey, these colours being overpainted at the Aircraft Depots in Australia upon receipt in Foliage Green/ Earth Brown with Sky Blue lower surfaces. Later photos show that many were repainted in Foliage Green upper surfaces and RAAF Sky Blue lowers when requiring refurbishing (although there are none of those in this batch).

SV-S A29-361. Seen in the image above, Foliage Green/ Earth Brown with Sky Blue lower surfaces. Codes in RAAF Sky Blue and Light Grey serials (2" only, just ahead of the rudder). There is a White tail and White on the under carraige knuckle only (not the outer wings). There are signs of weathering also such as on the engine cowl, Port upper wing roundel and front of the spinner (which may be Green or Red - see end notes). Forward plus sliding part of the canopy are Natural Metal along with rear part of the spinner. Originally when coded SV-Y it was named 'Avagrog' (see issue 34-2) but we do not know whether the name was still carried on 22/2/1945. Ref: above image cropped from header image via Peter May.

SV-P A29-377. Seen in the image above, Foliage Green/ Earth Brown with Sky Blue lower surfaces. Codes in RAAF Sky Blue with full size 8" Black serials (with stencil breaks). There is a White tail with much weathering and there are other signs of weathering also such as on the engine cowl and around the code letters. It had originally had White wing leading edges but these are mostly worn away. The front of the spinner may be Green or Red (see end notes) with the rear Nat Metal. Forward plus sliding part of the canopy are Natural Metal along with rear part of the spinner. Originaly it was coded SV-Z and the remains of the 'Z' can be seen below the new 'P'. Ref: above image cropped from header image via Peter May.

A29-342 SV-Z. Seen in the image above, Foliage Green/ Earth Brown with Sky Blue lower surfaces. Codes in RAAF Sky Blue and Light Grey serials (2" only, just ahead of the rudder). There is a White tail with a little weathering and there are minor signs of weathering on the engine cowl. It has White wing leading edges slightly worn away. The front of the spinner may be Green or Red (see end notes) with the rear Nat Metal. The forward windscreen and rear view mirror are also Nat Metal. Originally it was coded SV-G and named 'Noela' with artwork (see issue 35-1). We don't know if the name and art was retained but likely not as it has been repainted since then. Ref: above image cropped from header image via Peter May.

A29-335 SV-E. Seen in the image above, Foliage Green/ Earth Brown with Sky Blue lower surfaces. Codes in RAAF Sky Blue with full size 8" Black serials (with stencil breaks). There is a White tail and wing leading edges. The front of the spinner may be Green or Red (see end notes) with the rear Nat Metal. Note that the 'E' is painted askew on the Stardbord side. Ref: above image cropped from header image via Peter May.

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